الثلاثاء، 28 ديسمبر 2010

WinPenPack Flash Essential 3.6 rapidshare hotfile megaupload, WinPenPack Flash Essential 3.6 full download free, WinPenPack Flash Essential 3.6 torrent download,

WinPenPack Flash Essential 3.6

WinPenPack Flash Essential 3.6 | 834 MB

winPenPack Flash Essential - A set of applications designed to run from USB drives (flash drives, memory cards, etc.) without installation on your computer. Applications, comprising winPenPack Flash Essential, will not leave any trace, or settings used to set kompyutere.V winPenPack Flash Essential includes editors of electronic documents, personal diaries, applications for web editing, graphic editors, multimedia tools, system applications and t . e.
Total, a total of more than 30 programs. Some of them require the installation of Microsoft. NET Framework on the computer, where it is planned to launch.

Members package winPenPack Flash Essential:
- Editor office documents X-OpenOffice.org;
- Text editor X-SciTE;
- A program for reading PDF files, X-Sumatra PDF;
- Daily X-Sunbird;
- FTP-client X-FileZilla;
- Editor of HTML files X-Kompozer;
- Graphics viewer JPEGView;
- Browser X-Firefox;
- A utility for instant messaging X-Pidgin;
- Email client X-Thunderbird;
- Download Manager X-WackGet;
- A program for recording CD / DVD drive X-CdrTools FrontEnd;
- Music Player X-DekiBulle;
- Torrent client X-Halite;
- Anti-Virus X-ClamWin;
- Password Manager X-KeePass;
- Archiver X-7Zip;
- And the many other programs.

The necessary amount of space on a flash drive to install the full set - 854 MB.

System: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7
Interface: English

Homepage: http://www.winpenpack.com

WinPenPack Flash Essential 3.6

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